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They say that rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck and on August 4th, 2017 Manal and Jonathan were blessed with a great deal of luck. It started out like any ordinary day, it was warm, the skies were overcast and the meteorologist was calling for rain later in the afternoon. The thought of rain worried our groom but we reassured him that everything would work out. As we reached our location for the first look (From the Potting Shed in Cambridge Ontario) the sound of thunder rolled through the heavens followed by a substantial amount of rain. Now most may think “what a horrible way to start your wedding day,” but as the rain fell hard and the skies darkened it made this sense of romance appear.

Like when a Groom sees his Bride for the first time.

Here is a Signature Love Story of Manal and Jonathan’s Wedding Day.

Enjoy, ~ BS ~

Prep – Cambridge Hotel

First Look – From the Potting Shed

Ceremony – Whistle Bear Golf Club

Reception – Whistle Bear Golf Club

Music Licensed – Sound Stripe


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